Day 4


Day 4

Pottsville PA to York PA

We woke to damp roads and clear skies.  The nasty weather we have been trying to avoid is finally gone for a while.

 We had a late night not hitting the sac until midnight due to route changes because of the holiday weekend. So beat from the riding and late night we did not work on our blog.

Finding a sleep spot for the holiday weekend was the challenging part. Everything somewhat decent is already booked. We finally came up with a new route and place to stay in York PA. 

All the nights mapping and Google Earth checking of the route missed a critical bridge that had been washed out.  It is a real bummer coming up on that washed out bridge knowing finding another bridge will add serious miles to our day.

Joe had spotted a Rail Trail a mile back along our route. The train had to cross that river! That trail was our savior it crossed that same river very close to the washed out bridge.  What luck for us?

Pennsylvania has some beautiful rolling farmlands. We were in Amish land. Tim and Ken stopped to talk to one of the farmers watching the alfalfa harvest. A few more miles down the road we stopped at a farm stand run by two young Amish girls around 10 years old.

We settled on a half of a fresh made Rhubarb pie and peanut butter cookies. The half pie that Tim and Ken ate was only $2.50! The tray of 10 cookies was only $2.00. So good and so cheap we gave the girls a hearty tip.

Our bodies contact points are starting to talk to us. Most people think your rump would be your biggest issue but if you have good shorts and a good saddle it’s the other parts that hurt.  For us now it is our hands.  They take a beating on the handlebars all day. Their pain will be replaced with a new spot in a day or two.

Temperature 75 degrees

80 Miles

5550 feet of Climbing  

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